Savernake – pronounced sav-er-nak – make bespoke knives to order from a few of the amazing number of 44,380 possible permutations. And a reassuring lifetime guarantee when prices are in the strata of £285-£400. All knives are made on request with, they promise a one week turnaround or there is Next Day option which is like an omakase where they chose what they have got. There is also off the shelf with fancy coloured handles – 10 choices of blade, 23 of handles, utility from £149. The steak knife range was developed with Smithfield butcher Tom Hixson and includes the butcher’s knife at £199 or a set of four limited edition with elegant Bocote handles £375 and an option to engrave. Founder Laurie Timpson is ex-Scots Guard and lives off grid in the fores near Marlborough, Wiltshire. Although popular with chefs, the home cook is the audience, soneone who uses a knife three times a day. There are vouchers. Visits to the forge welcome.
There is a special set of three knives called the Jolly Hog for the bbq cammander