Grocery is a pretty obsolete term on spaceship Selfridge, the Valhalla of brands. Search tomato online and you will be offered a raffia bag or a new season Zimmermann v neck mini dress at £1050. The once legendary food hall, focus of pilgrimages on the number 13 bus, has been squeezed by tables for the salt beef sandwich, stools for the ramen bar, counters for the espresso. The fish and meat counters are priced up in innocuous 100 gram portions – just the right amount of protein for a fashionable diet.
Online everything becomes more bizarre. From a food point of view, search vegetables and you will get Wedgewood china, you’ll get a Jellycat soft toy carrot. Search kippers and you get slippers, search pasta you get Good Hair Day pasta, search eggs you will get a 404. This is not what Selfridge does anymore. They do coffee that is Bam Bam, Turkish Tail Mushroom, Smeg machinery or Joy Resolve, the brewing alarm clock. Milk means make-up, butter means body cream although by some algorithmic glitz it also means strawberry and peanut porridge. Stick to chocolate, it will be fine. There is a short history here and also a review of the chocolate, which has its own department. .
400 Oxford Street, W1